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Tip 36 - not my problem

No docs site is an island! Astro docs overlaps with concepts from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, Astro can be connected to a CMS or backend service and deployed on a hosting platform. Thatā€™s potentially a lot of documentation our community needs that is outside of our own project!

Including other projects or services in your own documentation may be unavoidable. Who is responsible for publishing and maintaining ā€œdefinitive guide to deploying Astro on Netlifyā€ for example: Astro, or Netlify? (I know what my answer isā€¦) In practice, the line may not always be easy to draw.

One PR suggestion I often make is to keep the focus on ā€œworking withā€ services and possible interactions between projects, not (re)documenting how they work. And absolutely avoid describing their UI at all costs! It is still possible to provide helpful guidance without providing too many details that are subject to change. Use language consistent with the other projectā€™s documentation so your readers can cross-check or search in their documentation when they need further instruction.

  • āœ… In your CMS dashboard, create a new post named test-post with the content type blogPost.

  • šŸ˜ Sign in to your CMS and click on your user profile to access your dashboard. Click the green + button the upper right corner to create a new post. Scroll down to the field for entering the content type and select blogPost from the drop-down menu.

When Astroā€™s code changes, I know about it. I monitor the appropriate repositories. I am directly notified to review accompanying docs changes, and I am even brought in to assist writing helpful CHANGELOG entries. When a feature, process, setting, or website UI changes at Netlifyā€¦ I wouldnā€™t even know until my docs are already wrong and I am be at the mercy of a reader discoving and pointing it out.

ā€Docs are never doneā€ and require continual (continuous? šŸ˜…) maintenance. Docs will occassionally be out of date. It may not always be my responsibility, but itā€™s my problem! To help keep up, I donā€™t take on any more responsibility than I need to.

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